Saturday, September 26, 2009

Shit " bored to the maxz"

My days so boring ...
So speechless
Need help here.

miss you guys..
So boring keep on studying studying..

Nothing much to say though .

Thursday, September 17, 2009

You told me i was beautiful
It mean so much to me.
But when i looked into the mirror
There was no beauty i could see.
I asked you why you you lied.
Then you told me to look closer
Because i'm beautiful inside....
i'm a lonely, silent stranger,
And to myself untrue,
I hide behind a mask , you see.
That no one can unglue.
i sit alone and think at night,
And wish that i could cry.
But my mask will not allow it,
So my eyes are always dry nowadays.
I long to share what's underneath,
This painful mask of mine.
But everyone that i can trust,
Just doesn't have the time.
Alone in this uniqueness,
That nobody can see,
Because i hide myself so well,
They cannot hear my plea.
I'll try to struggle on alone,
And yes.i'll get crush down.
But i will keep on stiving,
Until myself is found.
I'll wait till i've succeeded,
And can live without a mask.
Then i'll help another stranger,
That was too afraid to ask..
I'm sorry, i've betrayed you.. I'm sorry if i hurted you, cause i've been hiding in the dark all along..Doing things i'm not suppose to do.. i've known how much i mean to you..
You said i'm part of you ..
I've cried feeling gulity and i'm lucky to be part of you. This isn't a joke, i'm speaking out loud now!! and apologize for my mistakes.
Don't you think i'm wasting your time ? seriously? i felt useless.... for not being by your side when you needed me.
Maybe we're trying too hard.Maybe we turned apart ? i'm sorry .. i just don't want you to waste your time on me.. but...

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Journey To Stop Being 'LALA'

It's hard to change..All of a sudden..

It's so pain when you have to throw all your precious stuff away..

throw this.. throw that..

keep this .. keep that..

buy new stuff..

the result came out ..

make me look so diferent from the inside and outside ..

thank yoU Mae Qi..